Table of Contents

Getting Started | Before You Buy

Step 1: Is ring-u right for you?

Ring-u is the one stop do-it-yourself solution for small business phone systems and service.
We have designed our system and services for small businesses that need from 2-50 extensions, up to 20 simultaneous calls, and which have some experience setting up a router.
We are not a good fit for some businesses, especially:

Step 2: Let’s check your internet!

Since we are a VoIP provider, our service requires a high quality, stable terrestrial internet connection. Cellular internet will not work.
Click the button below from your workplace network, preferably a wired connection, and let’s see if we will work for you.
You will just need speeds greater than 1.5 mbps.

Step 3: Equipment

Unlike the old days, we don’t require a lot to get you up and running.
Assuming you have a router already, you will need our Hello Hub and phones.
The Hello Hub is the heart of our system. This little box connects your phones, manages your calls, controls your phone menus, handles voicemail, and so much more. And it does all of this while being smaller than most of the phones it connects.
Phones… We have a few models bundled with the Hello Hub for your convenience, and support many popular models from Grandstream, Atcom, and others. Autoconfig Supported Phones at a Glance
You can also use cell phones as extensions by using either the Zoiper or Grandstream Wave app for iOS or Android, or simply by forwarding your calls to your cellular number as a remote extension. Port Forwarding / External Remote Phones
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Step 4: Set up your Hello Hub and phones.

Once your equipment has arrived, take a minute to visit an overview of the setup process here.

  1. Unbox and plug up your Hello Hub to power and ethernet.
  2. Unbox and plug up your phones (one at a time please!) to power and to your network.

Step 5: Create your Account.

Once your Hello Hub and phones have arrived, go here to create your ring-u account.
Once that is complete, you will log into your new account and begin the configuration process.
While you can configure your system completely all at once or over the next few weeks, rest assured that in just a few minutes you will have a ringing phone.

Step 6: Pat yourself on the back!

You now have a working, professional PBX for about the same price as a decent laser printer.
You also have a little bitty phone bill with NO CONTRACT attached!
Thank you!!!
If you get lost or need help at any point in the process, give us a call at 423-456-6700 or open a support ticket.
We’re here to help!